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Setting up a custom sending domain
Setting up a custom sending domain
Written by Victor Romijn
Updated over a week ago

A custom sending domain is part of our Enterprise package
โ€‹1. Introduction


  • A custom sending domain enables our customers to send AppicalNow system emails from their own domain, for example onboarding@[customerdomain]

  • The custom sending email address will replace the standard [email protected] sending email address for system emails


  • A custom sending domain will increase the deliverability rate of the emails sent and prevent emails being marked as spam by the recipients email client

  • It is better for brand awareness purposes to send out emails with your domain name

  • By using a sending email address that is managed by your onboarding team, users can reply to the system emails with questions. These will then be received by you instead of the Appical support team

2. Process Steps

  1. Appical needs to receive the sender domain and return path. For example, the sender domain can simply be [customerdomain], but also onboarding.[customerdomain]. The return path is usually .[customerdomain] or e.onboarding.[customerdomain]

  2. Appical adds the sender domain and return path to its email client

  3. Appical provides you with SPF and DKIM records to add to your DNS settings to verify ownership of the sending domains before Appical can send emails through its email client.

  4. Once you have added the SPF and DKIM records, Appical will check whether the DNS settings are correct.

  5. Appical will add the custom sending email address to the organizational settings in your organization or in case you are already live, in a test organization.

  6. We will send out some test emails to check whether emails are properly received by your test users.

3. Settings

What Appical needs to receive from you



Sender domain

Return path

Sending email address

[email protected] or welcome or anything you like

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