A banner image is the first major image users see when logging into your course.
If uploaded, the banner image will be displayed on the dashboard (home screen) above your welcome message.
We recommend choosing a banner image that includes your company logo as well.
Note: If a Welcome Image is set, the Banner Image will be overruled by the Welcome Image.
The optimal ratio for this image is 7:3, the maximum size of this file is 2MB. Here is how to do it:
*We recommend to use Google Chrome to ensure an optimal experience when using AppicalNow.
Step 1. Navigate to courses in the menu
Step 2. Next, click on the hamburger-icon in the top left corner of the desired course and click on 'settings'.
Step 3. Click on 'Choose Image' at 'Upload banner image for your course' and select an image from your device.
Step 4. Continue with your course settings, and click 'Save' when your done. Your course image will look like this:
You now know how to upload a Banner Image to for your course!