It's possible to make the app available in more than one language. The standard text in the app will be changed instantly to the set language (text in the buttons etc. ) but you can create different versions of your own pages and content as well. You might have new hires that prefer to have the app and your content in Chinese instead of English for example.
Our Multi Language feature makes all of this possible.
*We recommend to use Google Chrome to ensure an optimal experience when using AppicalNow.
Setting up Multilanguage
Step 1. Navigate to courses in the menu
Step 2. Click on the gear-icon in the top right corner of the course that you want to style and click on 'Settings'.
Step 3. Scroll down to 'Languages'.
You will see the current set language, this language has the option 'Default' enabled. The standard text (text in the buttons etc. ) will now be English, this doesn't include your own content on the pages.
Step 4. To add another language click on the down arrow next to 'Add a language' and choose the desired language from the dropdown menu.
The status of chosen language will be automatically set to 'Draft' as you haven't added any content of that particular language yet. This means that the language will not be available for viewers in the Player. Once you're done translating everything (including self made content, Menu Items, Story- and Chapter titles), you can set this to 'Live'. The language will then be available for users in the Player.
Step 5. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on 'Save changes' in the Course Settings.
Course- , Story-, Chapter- and Menu Item names
Finally, you will have to translate the names of your Menu Items, Stories and Chapters as the Dutch translation of a Glossary is "Woordenboek" for example. Your Dutch new hires will have to see 'Woordenboek' instead of 'Glossary' in their menu.
Course-, Story- and Chapter Name
Step 1. To change the name of a Course, go to the Course Settings and click on the dropdown menu next to the Course Title and select the language that you just added. Type the Course Title for the Dutch version of your Course at the textfield that says 'Your Title'.
Menu Item Name
Step 1. Click on the gear-icon in the top right corner of the Menu Item, Story or Chapter of which you want to translate the title/name of and click on 'Settings'.
Step 2. A pop up will appear with the name of your Menu Item and the language. See the image below.
Menu Items:
Step 3. Type the translated title/name of your menu item in the empty textfield and click on save.
Translating Pages
It's time to translate the content on the pages now. To help you with this we have added an auto translator option in the page editor. But as we all know, auto translators are not famous for their accuracy in the translations so please check the translations before you set them to live.
Step 1. Navigate to the page that you want to translate.
If you click on the language in the top left corner and click on the language that you have just added. You will see that, in this case, the Dutch, page is still empty. Lets change that!
Step 2. Click on 'Translate Settings' and a menu will open.
* Make sure that you have selected the language that has filled in content already. The selected language is the language that you see in the top left corner. (See the image above).
You will have two options:
Use the current language, the one that has content already, as the default one to translate all the other pages in the languages that you have added in the 'Course Settings' earlier, based on the content in the English version.
Use the current language the one that has content already, as the default one to translate one language. Select the desired language in the dropdown menu. I want to translate my English content to Dutch. So I picked 'Dutch' as seen in the image above.
Step 3. Click on 'Auto Translator'.
English (Default)
Translated (Dutch)
All the text is now translated using our 'Auto Translator'. Mind that you will most likely have to make some changes to the translated text as this is translated by using Google Translate and not a professional translator!
Multi Language Media
As for media, you can upload different images or video's for different languages if needed. If you don't upload a specific image/video for a language, the image for the default language (set in your Course Settings) will show.
Translating Menu Items
At the top you will see your default language and two numbers behind it. It the example below you see "English (2/2). The first number is the amount of translated words in that language, the second number the total amount of words in that menu item.
Step 2. To translate a word into, simply click on the pencil button.
Step 3. A pop up will open with the settings of that particular item. Click on the language that you want to translate and type in the translation in the open fields.
Step 4. Click on save if you're finished with translating the item. Continue until the you have translated all items.
** Since the Glossary has an 'Import Word's' feature as the amount of words in can be quite high, you can export your Glossary to a template that you can send to a translation firm. Click on 'Export' to download this template. The other menu items do not have this option
To quickly view if all the items that you still have to translate or that you have already translated. We have created a filter. Click on 'All' next to View in on the right side underneath your items and select 'Completed' to show all translated items and 'Incomplete' to show all items that have not been translated.
If you have translated everything, go back to 'Course Settings'. Scroll down to language and set the language status from 'Draft' to 'Live'.
Hooray! You now know how to set up Multilanguage!