Users may need reminders and motivation to log in and utilise the Appical onboarding platform effectively, but managing email notifications can be time-consuming without a clear system in place.
βAutomated emails serve as helpful reminders for users, prompting them to engage with the app and keeping them informed about their progress and course-related updates. Administrators can customize these emails to enhance user motivation and ensure effective communication.
π If you want to learn how to edit automated emails check the article: How to create customised emails.
This article outlines the various automated emails sent by AppicalNow, their purposes, and how they look like. Below you can see the types of automated emails:
Automated Emails
In the example you will see words like *IFNAMEI|*. These have the following meanings:
β*IFNAMEI*: This will be replaced with the first name of the person that receives the email.
β*ICOMPANYI*: This will be replaced with the company's name.
β*ICOURSEI*: This will be replaced with the name of the course.
β*IUSERNAMEI*: This will be replaced with the name of the user. For example: The name of the user that has send a chat message.
β*IMESSAGEI*: This will be replaced with the message that a user has send through the chat.
β Invite Email
Sent when a user is added in User Management and the option to send an invite is selected.
β Welcome Email
Received after a user creates a password; includes a link to start using the AppicalNow Player.
β Inactive User Email
Sent to users who have been invited to a course but havenβt logged in yet. The timing of this email can be configured in Course Options.
β Forgot Password Email
Triggered when a user selects "Forgot Password" and provides their email address.
β 'You're Falling Behind' Email
Notifies users who are lagging in their course progress. The Course Completion Reminder can be enabled or disabled in Course Options.
β New Story Available Email
Alerts users whenever a new story is added to their assigned course.
β New Course Available Email
Sent to users when they are assigned to a new course.
β Course Completed Email
Acknowledges that a user has completed a course, based on progress rather than score.
β Progress to Followers Email
Followers receive updates on progress and scores for a group or user on a selected frequency (daily, weekly, or monthly).
β New Chat Message Email
Notifies users when they receive a chat message, showing the sender and the message content.
β Before Your First Day Email
Sent one day before a userβs first day, based on the 'First Day' date in their profile.
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