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Search for specific words or sentences in Courses - Editor
Search for specific words or sentences in Courses - Editor

Quickly search for text on pages & menu items in your courses

Danny Slotboom avatar
Written by Danny Slotboom
Updated over a week ago

‘Search text’ allows you to quickly search for a specific words or sentences in your courses. Making it very easy to quickly find in what page or menu item a word that word or sentence is present. You don’t have to scan every page individually to find what you are looking for.

Step 1. Click on ‘Courses’ in the menu on the left.

Step 2. After clicking on 'Courses' a gear-icon will pop up in the menu next to 'Courses'. Click on the gear icon and a menu will appear.

Step 3. Click on 'Search Text'

Step 4. Type the word or sentence at the textfield where it says 'Search Text'.

You can filter by course and search criteria, select the courses to refine your searches.

Hooray! You now know how to search for a specific text or sentence in courses!

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