Manager Settings

Customize Manager emails and create Tips & Tricks

Danny Slotboom avatar
Written by Danny Slotboom
Updated over a week ago

Step 1. Click on ‘Courses’ in the menu on the left.

Step 2. After clicking on 'Courses' a gear-icon will pop up in the menu next to 'Courses'. Click on the gear icon and a menu will appear.

Step 3. Click on 'Manager settings'.

Customize Manager Emails

At Manager settings you can change the emails that managers receive. For more information on how to create custom emails see this tutorial.

Hover over the small info-icons next to the emails such as “Added manager following” to learn more about how the templates work.

Create/ Edit Manager Tips and Tricks

Click on the button that says 'Add tip' to create a new tip/trick.

Create a new article by adding a title and write the text itself at the 'Add description' textfield. If you want to add an image you can click on 'Add file' and locate the image on your device.

It’s possible to sort the Tips/Tricks by category so all the items that fit in the same category are grouped together.

Click on the button that says ‘Categories’. Click the button and a new window will pop up.

Click on ‘add a category’, type the name of the new category and click on ‘add’.

You can drag the categories to set them in the desired order. Dragging a category all the way to the right will give you a pop up that asks if you want to delete the category.

Click on ‘Create’ when you’re done.

Congratulations, you now know how to customize Manager emails and create Tips & Tricks!

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