Creating a single user report allows you to gain detailed insights into a user's progress, performance, and personal details across courses. Whether you're assessing a user's overall progress or looking for detailed feedback, reports can help you track their development and identify areas of improvement.
For example, if you want to review the progress of a specific new hire and assess their performance in various courses, you can generate a single user report. The report can include their course scores, personal details, and feedback, allowing you to identify which areas they need further support in.
Steps to Create a Single User Report
→ Access Reporting
Click on 'Reporting' in the menu on the left.
→ Select Single Report
Navigate to the 'Single' report option and click on 'Select' to begin.
→ Search for the User
Type the name of the user in the search bar and/or select the user you want to create a report for.
→ Choose the Course
Select the course for which you want to generate the report.
→ Generate Report or Export PDF
Generate Report
Click on 'Generate' to create the report.
You will find the Report below. You can navigate through the results in the tabmenu on the left.
If you’ve selected more than one course, you can easily switch between courses by clicking on the tabs at the top.
Export to PDF
If you want to download the report, click on ‘Export to PDF' to save it as a PDF file. You will see all the pages on the PDF.
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