This feature allows Admins or Editors to filter the content based on tags. You can select one or multiple tags and see exactly what ‘Viewers’ see in the app upon logging in. This applies to content (Pages, Chapters, Stories), knowledge items (Glossary, People Finder, Checklist, FAQ).
Step 1. Click on 'View As' in the top right corner of the screen.
Step 2. A pop-up will appear with the 3 different tag categories.
Step 3. Select the filters that you want to enable and click on save. In this example I selected 'Amsterdam'.
The Editor now only displays content that is visible for users with the tag 'Amsterdam'. Note that it also shows content without a tag as it is visible to anyone.
Step 4. If you want to restore to normal settings, click on 'View as' again and click on 'Clear'.