How to use the Manager Toolkit as a Manager
Dennis Vos avatar
Written by Dennis Vos
Updated over a week ago

Congratulations! You got your first employee in your manager toolkit. And now?

As an employee's manager/buddy/etc, you can do and see various things in the manager toolkit.

  1. List of employees.

    Here you can find the progress of all employees in your toolkit, and the contact details of these employees.

  2. Checklist. You have been given a number of checklist items for your employee, tasks that you can tick off. These are linked to the employee's first working day. So if you are assigned another employee in a month's time, these tasks will also be correct.

  3. Send welcome message. You can send a welcome message to your employee. Your HR team has prepared a standard message for you that you can customize yourself.

  4. Tips and Tricks. In the Manager toolkit you will also find some tips and tricks that have been drawn up by your HR team.

Good luck!

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