The Quiz Chapter is a valuable tool for engaging new hires and assessing their knowledge. Imagine you're onboarding a new employee and want to test their understanding of company policies. Using the Quiz Chapter, you can create a quiz that reinforces important information while keeping the onboarding process interactive.
You can use the quiz chapter for the following purposes:
Engagement: Quizzes make the onboarding experience interactive and memorable.
Knowledge Assessment: Evaluate new hires' understanding of key topics.
Customisation: Tailor the quiz to fit your specific needs, including setting time limits and selecting questions.
This article guides you on setting up and using this feature effectively.
Steps to Create a Quiz Chapter
Go to Course > Editor > Story (of your preference) to find the chapter pages.
→ Create a New Chapter
On the 'Add Chapter' screen, select the 'Quiz Chapter' option.
→ Name your chapter and timer
Fill in the title of the chapter to reflect the content in 'chapter name'.
Set a 'Time limit per page' for the entire chapter and individual pages.
Available Options: Default is 20 seconds. There is as well 10s, 20s, 30s, 60s, 90s, 120s available.
Note: The timer pauses when the new hire answers a question and resumes when they click 'Next'. It changes colours to indicate remaining time.
→ Upload an Image
Click on 'Choose Image' to add a visual element to your quiz.
→ Add status and Unlock Chapter runtime (Optional)
You can also add an unlock chapter runtime by choosing a number in 'Unlock this chapter at runtime day'
Note: '0' is the first day, '-1' the day before and '1' the following day.
You can set the chapter as 'live' or 'draft'.
→ Add Questions and Answers
Proceed to fill in your questions, answers, explanations, and any additional information you want to provide.
Note: New hires can revisit the quiz but will retain their original scores. The 'Try again' and 'Previous' buttons are hidden during the first attempt. Each correct answer earns one point. Incorrect or untimed answers do not receive points.
→ Results
Results can be accessed and downloaded via Custom Reporting.
Learn more about downloading reporting results in this article: Custom Reporting.
The Quiz Chapter adheres to your course's branding, ensuring a cohesive look. Note that the intro page text is fixed and cannot be edited.
Learn more about how to style you course in the article: How to style a Course.
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