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Change the order of Checklist Items
Change the order of Checklist Items

Change the order of Checklist Items to your liking

Dennis Vos avatar
Written by Dennis Vos
Updated over a week ago

It might happen that you have to add something to your Checklist items after creating them. Creating a new Checklist Item will place this item at the top as it is the newest item. To change the order and place it somewhere in the middle for example, follow the steps below.

*We recommend to use Google Chrome to ensure an optimal experience when using AppicalNow.

Step 1. Click on ‘Courses’ in the menu on the left.

Step 2. Next, click on ‘editor’ in the bottom left corner of the course where you want to add a glossary.

Step 3. Click on ‘Knowledge’.

Step 4. Navigate to your Checklist or FAQ and click on 'View'.

Step 5. Click on 'Change Order'

Step 6. Click on an item and drag it to the desired place.

Congratulations! You now know how to change the order of Checklist Items.

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