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Bulk Import for People Finder
Bulk Import for People Finder

Add many persons to your People Finder at once by uploading a CSV or Excel file

Dennis Vos avatar
Written by Dennis Vos
Updated over a week ago

In this tutorial you will learn how to bulk upload persons to your People Finder. Once you have added a People Finder to your course it's possible to upload users one by one or per import. The import function allows you to upload a CSV or Excel file with users.

*We recommend to use Google Chrome to ensure an optimal experience when using AppicalNow.

Step 1. Navigate to the People Finder Menu Item in the Editor and click on 'View'.

Step 2. Click on ‘Import'.

Step 3. A pop up wil appear. The first step is to download the Sample File, this file has the correct format already. Click on 'Download sample file' and the download will start.

Open the file on your computer and fill in the the cells according to your preference. Only 'First Name' and 'Last Name' are mandatory, the rest can be left blank if not used.

Column A: First name
Column B: Family name
Column C: Job title
Column D: Department
Column E: Description
Column F: Phone number
Column G: Email
Column H: Twitter ID
Column I: LinkedIn URL
Column K: Facebook URL
Column K: Instagram username
Column L: Skype ID

The dropdown menu at 'Category' allows you to select to which Category (see this tutorial on how to create categories) you want to add the persons that are in the CSV/ Excel file.

Step 4. Click on 'Import' to start importing the users from the CSV/Excel file to the People Finder.

Hooray! You now know how to bulk upload persons to the People Finder!

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