
An overview of all the courses, stories, chapters and pages

Dennis Vos avatar
Written by Dennis Vos
Updated over a week ago

How to use Sitemap

This easy-to-follow tutorial will show you how to use the Sitemap to get an overview of all your content and even jump straight into the Editor for quick edits.

Step 1: Logging In

To get started, log in to your Appical account. Make sure you have the necessary permissions to access the Sitemap.

Step 2: Finding the Sitemap

Once you're logged in, look for the Sitemap feature. It's located on the sidebar menu. Click on it to open the Sitemap.

Step 3: Your Courses Overview

Now that you're in the Sitemap, you'll see all your courses.

Step 4: Expanding Sections

To see the details of your content, you can expand each section. Click the '+' or page title to reveal its contents.

Step 5: Editing in the Editor

Click on the Arrow button (right top corner) to go directly to the selected page in the Editor.

In summary, the Sitemap simplifies content management by providing a clear overview and quick access to your courses, stories, chapters, and pages. For an overview in an Excel file you can use the Content Export feature.

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